Hi Friends,
Summer is in full swing here on the island and at Memorial. Many of you are traveling or have family in town. The pace seems slower and more relaxed with a lot of activities here on hiatus. One of the things I love about our Lunch & Learn group is that we do not adjourn for the summer, but we pivot.
During the fall and spring sessions we read some sort of nonfiction that engages us theologically. In the summer we turn to a work of fiction with some sort of Christian themes. This past Thursday we began Mitch Albom’s The Little Liar which begins in Greece at the height of World War II. It has us engaging questions about what is truth and the language we use to talk about other people.
The conversation is rich and fascinating, leading us to discuss the human tendency toward “othering”. The trends in the news cycles are not new; historically, there’s always been some sort of trope about “us versus them”. As Christians, we must resist the urge toward othering and look toward the unity that takes place in Christ’s death and resurrection. I will be honest, that seems extremely hard at times and especially as we move toward election season.
How do we work toward unity when it seems like we cannot have conversations with others? We come forward with humility, grace and an openness to listening. Do we call out injustice when we experience it? Absolutely, but I think we must also make the space to find a common ground from which we can work together to love God and love our neighbor and let the Spirit move within us.
Conveniently, this book creates space to have conversation on themes that mingle with the sermon series we are about to begin on Ephesians. If you would like to join in with us at Lunch and Learn we meet at 11:30 on Thursdays in the Multipurpose Room. It’s not too late to grab a book from the Partin Center.
Otherwise, I hope you will engage with us in the Ephesians series by reading along week by week. In a great time of division there is much to learn and be reminded of by Paul’s words of unity.
With grace and peace,
Pastor Rachel