To RSVP for a class click here or email RSVP@mumconline.com
Beginning January 15th and going through Ash Wednesday, we’ll be offering a catered dinner at Memorial at 5:00PM and then class options on campus begin at 6:00PM!
We’ll have three class options along with choir rehearsal.
Click HERE for more information!
Pastor Rachel is offering a new, monthly class called Discussions on Social Justice with both on campus option and separate zoom options. This unique study is intended to reach more deeply into our United Methodist tradition of work and care in social justice.
Pastor Rachel will introduce a new book, read highlights of the book, and open a discussion to better understand the topic through the lens of United Methodist doctrine.
Sign up HERE or call the church office.
Contact Pastor Rachel with questions.

Pastor Charlie has had many requests to have another offering of his special Bible and Human Sexuality Class. Many people who have taken this class have felt like they really have a better deeper understanding of the scriptures when it comes to human sexuality especially. Join Pastor Charlie in this study on Thursday nights at 6:00PM via Zoom beginning January 9th. This is a 4-week classes are discussion sessions allowing time for your questions. If you have any questions, you can contact Pastor Charlie
Sign up HERE to get the Zoom link or call the church office.
On Campus Adult
Sunday School
9:30AM – Sundays
Mike Wilkins Class- A continuous class led by Steven Feith, who gives “the rest of the story,” from the Jewish perspective on the Christ-focused Sunday school lessons from the Adult Bible studies curriculum which you can view here: Curriculum / Adult / Adult Bible Studies | Cokesbury. Anyone is welcome any Sunday @ 9:30am. A different lesson each week - come and go as you please. Student study book will be provided free.
11:00AM – Sundays​
Centering Prayer Class
Sundays at 11 AM​
Join Jeanne Robinson as she leads this eight-week course on centering prayer. This class will study the book Centering Prayer, Sitting Quietly in God’s Presence Can Change Your Life by Brian D. Russell. Russell writes, “God’s love is the essence of this book. Centering prayer is merely a means of opening one’s true self to God’s love.” Come learn about centering prayer and how you can put it into practice in our daily faith journey.
Join the Yokefellows as they learn from the text "Practi9cle and Relevant Christian Living"
3PM in the Multipurpose room, join Steve Taylor for an in-depth line-by-line Bible study.
Monday Afternoon -Bible Study
School, Emailed Weekly
The Christ-focused Bible Lessons come from the Adult Sunday School Lessons published quarterly by Cokesbury and are approved by the United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship. The scriptures are interpreted from the Jewish perspective by Steven Feith. To be added to the weekly email list, contact Steven Feith at sjfeith@pm.me to be added to the list. No books are required.
Join Pastor Rachel for a deeper discussion of a book the group chooses in the Multipurpose Room from 11:30am-12:30pm.
Thursday - Lunch & Learn:
Young Adults Bible Study
Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Location: Maxwell Hall Gathering Space
Are you between the ages of 18 and 39? Join us for Bible study as we look through “classic” Bible stories (think Joseph, Daniel, and David and Goliath). Whether you’ve never read these stories or have revisited them every year we hope this will give you an opportunity to hear God’s word in a new way.
Ongoing Wednesday Night Classes
New Member Class
Facilitated by our pastors and staff, our New Member's Class looks at the history of Christianity, the beliefs of the United Methodist Church, and how we live out our faith through prayer, Scripture, giving, and service. This class is offered quarterly and is required for those interested in joining Memorial as members.
Our next class begins January 15th Contact Andy for more information!