Dear Beloved Friends,
Did you get a chance to catch Pastor Charlie’s sermon this past Sunday? If you didn’t, I can assure you there were some major surprises in there. SPOILER ALERT The prophet Elisha curses some young men for calling him bald, and then two she-bears come and maul 42 boys. It’s truly horrific, and there is an understandable reason why we do not normally preach on that specific passage. However, All the Feels is not a normal sermon series, and both Pastor Charlie and I have found that the Old Testament seems specifically inclined toward tales of the extremes of human emotions. And those emotions are relatable for us all. We have all been embarrassed. I hope it has not led you to curse your neighbor. I really hope she-bears have not been involved. In the final weeks, I hope you will tune in to hear about more stories, incidentally all from the Old Testament, in which we look at what it means to feel “bleh”, rage, and doom and gloom.
Additionally, we have a lot of exciting options for connection in the coming weeks. Are you a male? Have a delicious breakfast with other Memorial men at the men’s ministry breakfast this Saturday. Do you like music? Join us at 3 PM on Sunday in the sanctuary to hear a fabulous concert by Claflin University Choir. Do you need to eat dinner? If you have not had the chance to attend a Wednesday Night Dinner or Wesley Dinner Club, next week is your week to do both! You’re not going to get a better meal or fellowship for the price. If you long to be connected in new ways at Memorial, I hope you take advantage of one or many of these events! I’ll be there right alongside you.
With Grace and Peace,