What a vibrant and exciting few weeks we've had at Memorial! We welcomed new members, celebrated graduating high school seniors, burned our mortgage note, filled 100 flood buckets for those in need, sent a mission team to Africa with Kenya Partners, and enjoyed a beautiful one-service Sunday followed by a wonderful picnic at Central Park. I'm filled with gratitude for all the life and energy that we're experiencing in this season of ministry.
None of this happens without the dedication and passion of so many of you who generously share your talents. I'm continually humbled by the gifts of time and energy that you bring to our mission and our life together. God is truly at work through each and every one of you. Thank you so much!
The excitement continues next week as the Florida Annual Conference gathers in Lakeland. The theme of the conference is "Come, Holy Spirit," a powerful reminder that the source of all that happens among the United Methodists in Florida is God's Spirit moving within and through us.
Memorial will be well represented at the conference, with both Pastor Rachel and myself attending, along with our Lay Representatives Donna Feith and Phyllis Sweeney. Additionally, Carrie McCannell Scruggs and Sue McCannell will be attending as Lay Representatives from the North East District, and Jessica Barber Scott will be there in her capacity as the Lay Leader for the North East District.
As we head into this important gathering, I know that all of us from Memorial (and all the clergy and laity gathering from across Florida) will appreciate your prayers. I encourage you to simply make the conference theme your prayer for the gathering: "Come, Holy Spirit." That's what I'll be praying, and I'm filled with anticipation for God's continued work among us.
Pastor Charlie