We are almost there, friends! Lent is almost over.
As we enter the final week of this holy season there is much going on at Memorial. In this Pastor’s Note I want to make sure you get a final reminder of services and events so that you don’t miss out on any of it.
Tomorrow (3/23/2024) we have our annual Community Easter Festival in partnership with our friends at First Presbyterian. We will close down 6th Street and welcome our community to come and have some fun. If you are volunteering your time tomorrow – thank you for giving in this way! If you are planning to attend with your family, I hope it is a blessing to you all – don’t forget to invite your neighbors too!
On Palm Sunday we will gather for our regular worship service times (8:00am in the Sanctuary, 9:30am in Maxwell Hall, 11:00am in the Sanctuary, and our digital service at 11:00am online on our YouTube Channel. As always on Palm Sunday, our 9:30am service will be slightly abbreviated to allow us to make our way to the Courthouse on Centre Street for our annual Palm Sunday Processional at 10:30am. Once again, we will gather with friends from St. Peter’s, First Presbyterian, and Trinity UMC for a short service. This year, we have a very special guest who will be in attendance. Florida Bishop, Tom Berlin, will be with us before he preaches at Trinity.
Of course, Palm Sunday also signals the beginning of Holy Week when we will gather for services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Both services will be in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm. There will be a digital Good Friday service available on our YouTube Channel also.
Friends, this week invites us all to a holy remembrance of the acts of Jesus that paved the way for the salvation we each enjoy. May your heart be renewed again this week as you remember the depth of God’s love for the world.
Pastor Charlie