Dear Friends,
I was honored and grateful to share with you in celebrating the life of Chris Bryan last week. While I only knew her for a short time, I could tell by her warmth and her welcome that she was a special person, and that was certainly reflected in the words of all those who spoke at her service.
Today’s Pastor’s Note is a bit different, as I want to share with you the prayer that Reverend Drew Weseman, one of our former Associate Pastors here at Memorial, wrote for Chris’ service. I hope this is a prayer that can provide comfort to those of you who knew Chris and hope for us all as we look forward to the day when we are reunited with the beloved community of saints who go before us.
God who paints the skies in orange and blue
and cools the heat with an ocean’s breeze
we give you thanks for the life of Chris Bryan.
In her hospitality and warmth,
she reflected your love and grace for all people.
In her generosity and leadership,
she empowered your Kingdom.
With her humor and compassion
she radiated the light of Christ for all to see.
Lord, just as you were steadfast and faithful to her in every season of her life,
give your steadfast love now her family as they walk in the shadow of grief.
We pray for her beloved husband, Bill, her daughters and sons in law,
Ginny and Heyward, and Amy and Rusty,
her grandchildren Heyward and Liz, and her siblings,
Gretchen and Chipper.
Be with her friends and all those whose lives have benefited by her influence.
Let her memory be a blessing and your presence a comfort
as we live out her legacy and continue the good work you began in her.
Let our mourning be colored with the hope of your resurrection joy,
and let us look for that day when we will join her
in the front row of your community of saints. - Rev. Drew Weseman
As a people who live into the power of the Resurrection,
we take heart that our earthly life in Christ is only the beginning. As we are empowered by the Spirit, may we live into this hope by loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves in new and bold ways.
With Love and Peace,
Pastor Rachel