Preaching through Ephesians these last few weeks has been a real privilege for both Pastor Rachel and me, as well as for our friend, Derrick Scott III, who joined us last weekend. In each of our sermons, we have invited you to read through this letter with us, inviting God’s Spirit to speak and coming before these ancient, living words with hearts and minds that are open.
How has that been going for you?
Have you taken some time each day to read Ephesians?
What parts have encouraged you, challenged you, or assured you in your faith?
What have you found to be the message at the heart of this letter?
For me, the passage I preached on a couple of weeks back has been really powerful. The calling to “live a life worthy of the calling to which [we] have been called” and to come “to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” has struck a chord in my mind and heart. I am reminded that this growth is a work of God’s grace that takes place in me over a lifetime. But I am also reminded that there are ways I can open myself more to this grace – regular reading of Scripture for personal devotion, regular connection to other Christians in fellowship and accountability, participating in opportunities to give generously and serve my community and world. These are all “means of grace” by which I am transformed as my heart and mind are opened more to God’s grace.
I am incredibly grateful for the encouragement and lessons I am gleaning from Ephesians. I hope you are too.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Charlie