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Writer's picture: Memorial FernandinaMemorial Fernandina

I was so encouraged last Sunday morning. Right after worship, Dr. Joan Averett had planned to gather as many as possible of our volunteer liturgists for a light lunch and some training in their craft. Did you know that across our four services we have more than 40 people on the rotation to serve in this way? Most of them were there last week and there was a real buzz in the room.

After morning worship, I jumped in the car and made the long journey to Lakeland, Florida, where, for the next four days, I would join in with the work of the Florida Conference Board of Ministry Interview Week (along with other Memorial members, Jessica Barber Scott and Carrie McCannell-Scruggs). Our work during this week is to interview all those seeking to serve the church as pastors (both Elders and Deacons.) It was the first time the Board had been able to meet in person for interviews since 2019 and, again, there was a real buzz in the room – a sense of joyful unity in the work we were undertaking for our Conference. And as the week progressed, our encouragement only increased as we met and interviewed some amazing candidates for ministry – in terms of the ordained community and the leadership they provide, the future of the United Methodist Church is one filled with hope.

At the liturgist training we had people from numerous backgrounds and of various ages in the room, all of them gathered to share in a common work – the leadership of worship in our church. And at the Board of Ministry Interview Week there were people from all over our state, from many different backgrounds, and of all ages who were also gathered to share in a common work. In both settings there was an unspoken understanding that we are stronger together in our mission and that there is much power in our connection, both locally and across our Conference and denomination.

All of this makes me excited to gather with you all this coming Sunday morning when we will start a new mini-series of sermons based on one of the prayers that Methodists throughout the world pray together – The Wesley Covenant Prayer.

I’ll see you there!

Pastor Charlie

Writer's picture: Memorial FernandinaMemorial Fernandina

Over the past three I have been teaching Bishop Berlin’s book entitled Courage. It is

examining the way in which Jesus demonstrated courage through his faith. It is a good and inspiring book.

But what is the most exciting part is to be part of almost 30 women and men gathered each week to learn and grow together. Over the past several weeks we have each shared our perspective, discussed our opinions, and learned together. Being vulnerable with each other and approaching our learning with willing hearts and open posture has invited God into each of our classes. Our classes have been Spirit filled and impactful.

Many of the small groups that I have been a part with for many years now have been similar. Gathering with a group of Christians to learn, pray, and support each other has always been one of the most powerful tools for growing in one’s understanding and relationship with God. Building Christian community to walk through life with is a gift for each of us. Studying scripture together builds deeper understanding.

If you are not part of a small group/class, Sunday school class, women’s circle, or ConneXion group I encourage you to consider which group you would like to connect with. Additionally, if you have any questions or would like to hear more about our groups, please let me know.


Pastor Carrie


The Ready, Set, Go! Sermon series that Pastor Carrie kicked off last week has been specifically designed to set the mission and ministry tone for 2023. The late, great American poet, Maya Angelou said: “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.” She was right!

This Sunday, I will be preaching a “State of the Church” sermon in which I will be talking about the roads we have been traveling in recent years as well as painting a word picture of how things stand for Memorial right now in January 2023. This is a sermon that I am a little extra excited to preach – it is filled with good news, and really is one that you will not want to miss.

So, plan to join us, listen, be encouraged and enthused for the year that is ahead.

God is doing great things in and through the grace-filled family of Jesus-followers at Memorial United Methodist Church.

See you there!

Pastor Charlie


Sunday Services:

 8:00AM  In the Sanctuary

Weekly Holy Communion & favorite hymns

 9:30AM In the Maxwell Hall

Sing praises with our band

11:00AM The Sanctuary 

Enjoy familiar liturgy & hear our choir

11:00AM Digital Worship on YouTube.

Chat with our digital community during the premiere

Questions? Call 904-261-5769 or EMAIL.

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Memorial United Methodist Church

601 Centre Street | Fernandina Beach, Florida | 32034


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